I have a local OS repository that is used by my local machines to get the Centos updates from.
I realised it has stopped working and it turned out that the disk is full.
The machine is hosted on a VMWare ESXi 6.7 server. Below are the steps needed to go through to get the partition size extended.
Shut it down and extend hardware size to new desired value in VMware ESXi web interface
Login into the machine through ssh and follow the next steps.
sudo parted print print free resizepart 2 72.2GB quit
now change the physical volume
sudo pvresize -vt /dev/sda2 if everything looks okay then drop the test mode (t) and run it again sudo pvresize -v /dev/sda2
now resize the LVM
sudo lvresize -vtl +100%FREE /dev/centos_osrepository/root again drop the t if you are happy with what you see. sudo lvresize -vl +100%FREE /dev/centos_osrepository/root
now resize the file system
sudo xfs_growfs /dev/centos_osrepository/root
that’s it.