How to install Confluence on Centos7 with PostgreSQL

UPDATE --July-2018
Original instruction was installing postgresql-server-9.2. Atlassian has dropped support for v9.2 for newer versions. The post updated to install Postgresql-server v9.6 instead. 
If you have followed original post, and now want to update your database server to the latest, you can follow this post: How to upgrade Postgresql server to v9.6
Update 2018-03-06: I created a script that will do all the steps described on this page and the second part on this page in one place in much easier way. You can download it from github.

Up until now I always have used Mysql server for Confluence instances. PostgreSQL is Atlassian preferred database for Confluence and their other products. So I will go through installation steps for this configuration. I already have a fresh minimal Centos 7 installation.

Atlassian has a guide for this but it is generic covering all possible combinations and for this specific installation one need to jump between various pages. This post will have all you need to know on how to install Atlassian Confluence on Centos 7 in one place.

After you completed steps in this post, you can continue to make your connections secure and encrypted by following the steps on this page.

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How to install Jira Software on Centos7 with PostgreSQL

UPDATE –July-2018 Original instruction was installing postgresql-server-9.2. Atlassian has dropped support for v9.2 for newer versions. The post updated to install Postgresql-server v9.6 instead. If you have followed original post, and now want to update your database server to the latest, you can follow this post: How to upgrade Postgresql server to v9.6

Up until now I always have used Mysql server for Jira instances. PostgreSQL is Atlassian preferred database for Jira and other products. So I will go through installing steps for this configuration. I already have a fresh minimal Centos7 installation.

Atlassian has a guide for this but it is generic covering all possible combinations and for this specific installation one need to jump between various pages. This post will have all you need to know on how to install Atlassian Jira on Centos7 in one place.

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FirewallD cheat sheet

As of Centos7 the default firewall application has changed from iptables to firewalld. FirewallD provides dynamic filterinc versus static ones in iptables. You can read more about details of the features included at Fedora project page here and or on their official homepage here.

This page will help me to unlearn the iptables and remember the firewalld commands.

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How to migrate from Bugzilla to Jira

Our company has used Bugzilla to track the bugs in various products for years. With the recent move to Jira to manage our projects and track tasks, it was time to say goodbye to the Bugzilla and centralise the issue backlogs.

As we have had a long list of active and resolved issues in various projects, I decided to import all the issues to Jira to keep the historical record of what has happened. Generally it is a straight forward process if you have done the preparation.

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How to install ERPNext on Centos7

The guys at ERPNext have done a great job on creating an installation script that install the full functional system in one easy step. But my initial attempts to install it on the Centos 7 by following easy installation procedure was a failure. I think this was mainly because the script has been developed and tested mainly for Ubuntu. You might be lucky enough to have your system set up exactly as the script expects but if that is not the case there will be a lot of trials and errors and re-builds and head scratches.

The guys at ERPNext have done a great job on creating an installation script that install the full functional system in one easy step. But my initial attempts to install it on the Centos 7 by following easy installation procedure was a failure. I think this was mainly because the script has been developed and tested mainly for Ubuntu. You might be lucky enough to have your system set up exactly as the script expects but if that is not the case there will be a lot of trials and errors and re-builds and head scratches.

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How to install Odoo 10 on Centos 7

Update: This post originally was for Odoo 9 installation. Now updated for Odoo 10.

In this post I will go through the full fresh installation of Odoo erp community version on Centos7. I have fairly fresh Centos installation which will be used just as Odoo server. I will also use PostgreSQL as database.

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